Hippy markets open in Ibiza 2020

July 23 2020
Experience the island
Known for its clubs and nightlife, fantastic cuisine and sunshine, Ibiza is the destination for people looking for a good time. But there’s a lot more to the Balearic islands in terms of culture than meets the eye. Most notably, Ibiza and Formentera are home to ecologists and green businesses, as well as artisans and world-renowned painters. Crafts and art are in the islands’ history, and painters such as Antonio Pomar, Josefina Torres, Antoni Marí Ribas and Vincent Calbet are just a few examples of Ibizans enriching the culture.

Ibiza Town is also famous for its alternative art scene; street art is everywhere, which may be the reason Ibiza is also home to the popular arts and culture event, the Bloop Festival, wherein artists of all types meet in an open-air gathering of performance art, graffiti, and cinematic projections among others.

Galleries like the Ibiza Museum of Contemporary Art amplify the work of artists born and raised here, such as Irene de Andres, perhaps the best known and a multimedia artist, born in Ibiza in 1986. There is, in fact, so much art in Ibiza to supplement the music scene, that restaurants often become makeshift exhibition halls. Can Tixedó Art Café and El Naranjo restaurant are just examples of dual-use spaces that help local artists reach a broader audience.

Hippy markets are the best place to see a wide range of wares at an affordable price. Take home a little Ibizan culture and contribute to the economy by visiting and purchasing crafts and artwork from some of the Ibiza hippy markets now open and ready for business!

Las Dalias hippy market

The flowery hippy market Las Dalias is now open every Saturday post-lockdown, and keen to share its relaxing vibes with visitors. Merchants are taking extra precautions including spacing, PPE, and controls on entry to respect health and safety restrictions, but this has also culminated in an even more relaxed experience than usual.

Las Dalias market is a wonderful spot to spend the hottest hours of the day hiding from the sun if you prefer, as it’s open from 10 am to 8 pm on Saturdays, through till November when the market closes at 6 pm.

Sant Jordi flea market

Sant Jordi flea market is popular among locals and often the best market to find a bargain. Held on Saturdays like the Las Dalias hippy market, the San Jordi flea market reopened on July 6th after lockdown. Opening hours are from 8am to 2pm (early shift!) on Saturdays so you could take a look at both Sant Jordi’s wares then take a trip to Las Dalias hippy market Ibiza on the same day.

Flea markets are an excellent eco option because this is where you’ll find numerous second hand stalls, charity shops and used furniture stores if you have the space in your luggage!

Mercat Vell produce market

If you’re looking for something a little more authentic, Ibiza’s markets for locals are also reopening. The Old Market targets a different audience more interested in fresh produce.

Arts and crafts also have their place here but you’ll find much more fruit and veg, baked goods and delicious drinks. Ibiza’s traditional Hierbas liquor is sold here and you’ll be supporting local merchants with your purchases, who love to make the market’s patrons smile with a quick tasting. Find the Old Market in the square Plaça de la Constitucion in Ibiza old town.

Don’t miss these markets when travelling to Ibiza...and if you decide to choose Ibiza for your summer holidays, stay in one of our hotels, we’ve taken all the measures you need so you can travel with confidence.

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