Running in Ibiza: trips and tricks

March 13 2020
Experience the island
Every year, most tourists visit Ibiza from early May through to October, which is when most clubs, restaurants and bars are open for business. This is the best time to visit Ibiza if your goal is to meet new people. However, if what you plan to enjoy is Ibiza’s running routes, you can go all year round. The great news about aiming to get some exercise done while on holiday is that Ibiza and the surrounding islands enjoy mild weather and a fresh sea breeze all year round.

In recent years, Ibiza has seen an increase in the number of devotees to sports fans of all sorts. Running in Ibiza specifically is one of the best ways to experience everything the island has to offer. As the activity becomes more popular, options grow and you can now choose from single track trails, a marathon once a year in Spring and organised running tours in Ibiza. You’ll find plenty of steep climbs to challenge you, as well as long beaches and coastal paths that are suited to interval running and sprinting.

How to go “sightrunning” in Ibiza

The reason running is such a great sport is that you can combine it with sightseeing. Especially if you decide to get out before the crowds you’ll enjoy some of the most picturesque scenery during your morning run. Perfect for the active traveller, spend some time sightrunning and discover the charms of every corner of the island.

It’s recommendable you choose different Ibiza running routes each time, to make the most of your hobby, but also so that you can share with your travel buddies what you saw and where you think you should spend the day based on your experience! Take a run along the beach or stay inland, go through the town centre while it’s quietest and up into the Dalt Vila.

Get racing

If you’re a competitor at heart, you’ll find a very complete calendar of races in Ibiza. Some international Ibiza running events, as well as more local races, grow every year in the number of participants and supporters so why not consider doing that marathon you planned, while on holiday in Ibiza?

The biggest and most well-known Ibiza running event is the Marathon, which is held on October 3rd. There’s also a Half Marathon on the 2nd of May and several smaller races for children. Two other major races take place in Autumn: the Ibiza Trail Marathon in late October, and the 3 Day Ibiza Trail, which is always on the last weekend in November.

If you need a team to cheer you on and motivate you to keep going, there are plenty of athletic clubs in Ibiza and groups go out every day with runners of all ages and levels. Like any running club, in Ibiza, you’ll find enthusiastic individuals keen to share their experience with like-minded athletes.

How should you dress to go running in Ibiza?

In the Winter, you can comfortably go out wearing leggings, a T-shirt and a wind-breaker if you like. Many people wear shorts in winter nonetheless because, once you’re moving, the temperature is perfectly agreeable.

By Spring and also in Autumn you can run in shorts and a shirt at pretty much any time of day, because the climate’s ideal for practising this favourite sport. There is the possibility of rain during these seasons, but these are highly refreshing on an island blessed by so many sunny days.

Summer is very hot in Ibiza, so most runners aim to get out in the early morning or wait until sunset. While getting out before work fits with most people’s idea of the best time to run when at home, it is worth keeping in mind that while on holiday, you might want a lie-in and should plan to get out in the evening, instead after the sun’s gone down. If you really do want to run during the day, take a jog along the coast and hop into the sea whenever you need to cool down.

Ready to go running in Ibiza? Whether you like to run alone, accompanied, in a competition or while sightseeing, you’ll find all the options you need in Ibiza.

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