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The best places for scuba diving in Ibiza

The best places for scuba diving in Ibiza

January 11 2021
Travel tips
Scuba divers visit Ibiza and Formentera every year to explore the Balearic islands’ hidden gems. There are dozens of breathtaking spots to explore in the depths of the sea: the Cala d'Hort marine nature reserve, Bledas Plana island, the Lighthouse, the Dice… But we’ve chosen our absolute top recommendations for divers with experience. Let’s count down the top places for scuba diving Ibiza has to offer!

Margaritas islands

Located between the towns of San Miguel and San Antonio, on the west coast of Ibiza, these two small islets, ‘Ses Margalides’ are a popular spot for divers. You can get here by boat or jet-ski, the latter is best of course but only suitable if you’re able to carry all your gear, so why not visit the islands twice!
The larger islet of the two, Sa Foradada, is shaped like a crescent, so is a tourist trap and great photo opportunity. You can go under Sa Foradada on a jet ski (at full speed) and feel invigorated before your dive.

Here, the underwater landscapes are terrestrial. This site is accessible for beginners, not just experienced divers, depending on whether you want to go to a depth of 15 or 45 metres. This space is the deepest colour of blue, making it feel magical to swim through the islets’ caves, tunnels and crevices housing rich marine life.

The Cave of Light

Previously popular but currently a quiet spot, ‘Cueva de la Luz’ is inland, toward the north  of Ibiza, near Sant Mateu d'Albarca, and is also turning back into a secret diving spot over the years.

Since this dive site, also known as Ullal de Na Coloms, is difficult to access, not indicated on any map and only recommended for calm experienced divers, fewer visitors come to this scuba diving Ibiza location. To get to Cueva de la Luz in the first place, you’ll need to walk about an hour and a half downhill, with care along this rocky stretch.

The cave is an underwater gallery and a stunning light trap. Rays of the sun stream down to the water in the below-ground gallery. The reason only experienced divers should contemplate this spot is that, once you’ve jumped inside, the only exit is via an underwater tunnel.

Don Pedro’s Shipwreck

The giant ship of Don Pedro currently rests on the bottom of the ocean at a depth of 43 metres. A recent shipwreck, for Ibiza boat and diving enthusiasts, this location is well-known only a few days after the sinking. Sunk in 2007 while navigating the Ibiza-Denia route, Don Pedro was accidentally grounded and lost gallons of fuel which was cleaned up promptly to protect wildlife. All those aboard were successfully rescued but this story still made all the papers.

Over the years scuba divers rejoiced: the ship’s steel began to be covered by a thin layer of algae, eventually giving life to sargasso seaweed, stemming from the hull and reaching 2 metres high. This provides a home to lemon butterflyfish, dogfish sharks and lobsters, as well as colourful algae and sea slugs nestled into the underwater forest.

Since the wreck is not far from the port of Ibiza, you can spend some time on the beach relaxing after the dive or possibly regroup with your less-experienced diving buddies. This is because you do need to be a confirmed diver to swim to this depth. The interior of the ship specifically is only accessible to the most experienced divers.

What aquatic life can you see while scuba diving in Ibiza?

Colourful damselfish and sergeant majors are among the most eye-catching species you’ll see below the surface. There are also more intimidating fish in Ibiza’s waters! Moray eels, groupers and barracuda attract fishermen and marine life enthusiasts, as do the meadows of seagrass between Ibiza and Formentera.

The warmest times to dive are in summer, of course, but the water temperatures are actually diver-friendly from February onwards: from 15ºC up to 27ºC in August. Visibility is generally at around 20-30 metres and currents tend to be calm, although we have indicated above which dive sites are for advanced swimmers only.

What can you do while you wait for the scuba diver in your life?

Often, families and groups visit Ibiza with one scuba diver amongst several guests, so here’s what you can do if you’re the accompanying party, while your fellow traveller dives to their heart’s content!

Many scuba diving sites are near Blue Flag Ibizan beaches, an award given to certify high environmental and quality standards. Eight sandy stretches of Ibiza’s coast have this qualification: Cala Llenya, Cala Llonga, Es Figueral, Santa Eulalia, Es Canar, Arenal Gran Portinatx, Cala Benirrás and Cala San Vicent. Any of these are perfect for spending a few hours sunbathing, swimming, renting water sports equipment or drinking cold beverages with a sea view.

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