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Travelling in uncertain times: how to prepare for the trip

Travelling in uncertain times: how to prepare for the trip

June 23 2020
Travel tips
Why now is a great time to plan a holiday

Having a sense of accomplishment is also important right now, when many of us lack the social stimuli that would keep up our self-esteem going day-to-day. Most of all, it’s always uplifting to have something to look forward to and a project to work towards!

In another sense, lockdown is a good time to look into how to prepare for a trip because many of us have the time to do it, when we would otherwise be commuting or sitting in endless meetings [that could have been emails]. Similarly, those that travel with their families currently have their partners and family members close by so can ask for opinions more easily, or even turn planning a trip to Ibiza into a joint activity.

By looking at flight comparison sites now, you might even happen on some great deals on flights. Depending on how risqué you’re feeling, versus waiting and booking far into the future, your chancing it could be rewarded with lower than usual flight prices.

If you’re worried about missing summer, you’re in luck: the Balearic isles enjoy fantastic weather all year round. It rains rarely and even in its coldest month, you’re looking at 15 degrees Celsius, hardly chilly! If you can travel shortly after the kids go back to school, you can enjoy temperatures between 27 and 19 degrees in Ibiza. Best of all, there are plenty of “autumn sun” deals available!

How to safeguard your trip

Once you’re set on planning out a trip, you’ll need to think through how to prepare for a trip carefully. Here are some travel tips, especially focused on your trip to Ibiza.

1. Always take out insurance.
Whenever travelling, you should investigate and contract comprehensive travel and medical insurance. Getting a policy to cover you while you’re away is always money well spent, it’ll give you peace of mind and could avoid some steep bills for medical or emergency travel changes should you need to cancel a trip.

Ensure the conditions of your policy adapt to your specific group, their needs, and the possibilities of cancellation. Also, inform yourself on how to get the necessary documentation while at the hospital, airport or transfer centre.

2. Be issued with an EHIC.
If you travel within the EU, such as a trip to Ibiza, ensure you have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and should you need to use it to visit A&E or call out a doctor, ask for state-funded healthcare. It’s worth noting that the E111 many of us used for this purpose until 2006 is now invalid for receiving healthcare abroad.

An EHIC card is not a substitute for travel insurance, because insurance would also cover long-term medical treatment, repatriation and non-urgent treatment resulting from your trip. Needless to say, it also won’t cover you in the case of a cancelled trip. It will solely ensure you have access to emergency medical care on the same terms as Spanish nationals, which is well worth having since the card has no cost.

And just in case you’re wondering, the EHIC will be valid throughout 2020, after which the terms of Brexit might change the conditions of use.

3. Check government travel advice.
Ibiza is part of Spain so as a rule, observes similar restrictions to those imposed by the Spanish government. This means you can check the page for Spain on the website for updated travel advice and the latest health and safety information.

Government sites are also the best source for obligatory and recommended vaccines for those travelling in the foreseeable future. Don’t leave your jabs until the last minute!

So, vaccines up-to-date, government advice notes and travel insurance in pocket, you’re ready to prepare for a trip to Ibiza in the very near future! Give yourself something to look forward to, and a project to work on while socially isolated.

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